I believe that school is a good thing, that the world is a sphere, that cars can go fast.
Theorem Theorem Postulate
I believe that school is a good thing
School makes you learn | The teachers teach things you don't know
You learn to be social | You have a lot of people to talk too
You learn how to deal
with problems | Bullying struggling with work
The world is a sphere
In space you have images
of the earth and it is round | Technology
Every other planet is
round | Image observation
Nobody has fallen off
the earth | Knowledge
Cars can go fast
They can go faster than horses | Observation
They can travel several miles |
in an hour | Technology
(1) I believe school is a good thing because it will help you be succesfull and deal with life. It also helps you learn about the world and have friends.
I know the world is a sphere because I have seen pictures from people in space and nobody has fallen off the world yet either.
I believe cars can go fast because some can travel 200 miles in one hour. Also they can break things in half like wood by driving at them.
(2) These things will affect my actions because I know how to appreciate them how to repect them and how to use them. Like I don't want to drive irresponsibly with other cars going 80 mph because I will crash and probably die.
(3)I've learned the difference between theorems and postulates in life like when somebody is coaching you in a sport like baseball, if he tells you to do something pitching its a postulate, you just accept it. I learned that a theorem in life is kind of like how you age as an example. When your 1 you can barely talk. When your 6 you go to school. When your 10 you go to middle school. When your 16 you are almost ready to go off in life out of high school. When you are 25 you have a job and for some people maybe children and so on.